Never Say Never (or, Challenge Accepted?)

My theme lately seems to be: Never Say Never. Example 1 – I’ve never considered myself the Vegas type. Been there, checked box, not exactly something I thought warranted a revisit. I also never thought taking kids to Vegas sounded like a great idea. And yet, this year for Spring Break, we did exactly that,…

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The Value of Closure

Whether your lawsuit involves a personal injury claim, a dispute over a Trust or Probate, a breach of contract, or something else, one thing is universal: No one comes to litigation because things are going well. Unfortunately, litigation is also the least efficient and often most expensive means of trying to achieve resolution, not just…

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How a Mediator Should Prepare

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Your attorney should know the case thoroughly and be ready for any unexpected surprises. Your mediator is no different. Starting a mediation cold – or worse, on the wrong foot – can lead to delay or hinder negotiations. Lorenz Mediation is different because of our process, which lets…

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Has Your Case Reached a Stalemate?

As a litigator, you can often objectively assess a case and see a range of potential reasonable outcomes up front, but clients are a different story. At the outset of a case, they are often too fueled by emotion or principles to consider compromise. But there comes a point in litigation where your client is…

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When is the Right Time to Consider Mediation?

Having a case work its way through the legal system is stressful and frustrating, not to mention expensive. As retained counsel, you empathize with your client but at some point, you have to step back and consider: is going to trial really the best option to resolve the dispute at hand? Is litigation necessary to…

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